Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Of Men and Of Supermen

I've always loved comicbooks. Stories of super powered beings capable of fantastic feats. As if gods among men that you can't help but admire and to a certain extent envy.

These superheroes come in a variety of shapes. There's the being from another planet, the one with big "S," the dark knight that patrols the streets of Gotham City and there's the one that "does whatever a spider can." These "heroes," as great as their powers maybe are portrayed not as perfect beings but as flawed common folk thrust to incredible situations. And in these situations these heroes shine not because of their fantastic abilities, but due to the strength of their humanity. They inspire us not with heat vision but with valor, not with superhuman agility but with great perseverance and not with hi-tech gadgets but with the conviction to do what is right even with overwhelming odds.

These stories instill in us that super powers are not what's needed for you to become a hero. Being human alone should be enough. Humanity is one of strongest powers that any superhero can have. In here lies the values that fuel a person to achieve great things. And this is also what separates a superhero from being a super villain.

However humanity and superpowers are not enough. Another thing that I've learned in my years of  reading the likes of the Fantastic Four, the Justice League and the Gardians of the Galaxy is that no matter how strong you are there will always be somebody that's stronger or faster. And also, there are some things that one human, super or otherwise, can not handle alone. That's why there are team ups. Reed Richards has a family, Captain America has the Avengers, even the Hulk has the Defenders. Friends and family will always be there and it is not a sign of weakness to ask for help. Why do you think Captain America shouts "Avengers Assemble!!"?

So before you go on a quest to overcome impossible odds, or go fighting frost giants in Asgard, or even staving off an alien invasion from the Kree Empire, remember there are things that you don't have to face alone.And that even Superman has the Justice League to back him up.